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Safe Practice

Sacred Dao Acupuncture Clinic is working in accordance to the safety protocols established by the Dutch Acupuncture Association (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Acupunctuur) and approved by the Dutch Government. Please see the essence of these measures below. 



  • If you have any symptoms of a cold or flu-like symptoms, please contact me so we can decide whether it is beneficial for your recovery to keep your appointment. 

  • Please try to be on time for your appointment, and although it is no longer mandatory to stay 1.5 metres from others, please be mindful while waiting and give others enough space if you are not alone in the waiting area.​

  • Please note that wearing face masks is optional throughout the entire time you are at the clinic. If you would like me to wear a mask during the session, please ask me to do so.​

  • During the consultation I will also maintain a safe distance as much as possible. The times that I will need to get closer to you will be during the pulse and abdominal palpation diagnoses, as well as when I put the needles in and then when I remove them. ​

  • As part of the essential sanitary measures an acupuncture practitioner should take, I will wash or disinfect my hands before, throughout and after each treatment (e.g. before and after palpating you for diagnosis, before and after putting the needles in, etc.). This is done for each session, regardless of you being sick or not.

  • Please sanitise your hands before the session: by washing them with soap for at least 20 seconds or by using the hand disinfectant when entering the treatment room.​

  • After each session contact surfaces in the treatment room are cleaned. Door handles, doorbell, reception area and toilet area are also regularly cleaned. For each session either one-use-only couch roll will be used to cover the treatment bed or one-use-only bed sheet. You will also be provided with one-use-only towels. The treatment room is also regularly  aired in between consultations.

  • Please continue to follow the general hygiene guidelines regarding coughing and sneezing in your elbow, using paper tissues and discarding them after each use, etc.​


​If you have any further questions or need any assistance please feel free to contact me


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